Quintessa Aesthetic Center Case Study

Quintessa Aesthetic Center Case Study


Quintessa is an e-commerce site in the aesthetic medical spa market. They offer a wide range of both surgical and non-surgical treatments and products for face and body.


Identify the problem.
Research to understand the market competition, the target audience and to check what competition has done till now.
Ideate & Brainstorm by gathering ideas, producing draft sketches and low fidelity wireframes.
Build a prototype to use it in usability test sessions
Test the prototype with real users & evaluate results to identify improvements.
Design high fidelity wireframes and define UI guidelines.

1. Research - Competitive analysis, Provisional Persona, Interviews
2. Information Architecture -  Product Roadmap, Sitemap, Persona
3. Interaction Design - Wireframes, Prototypes
4. Iteration and Implementation - Prototype Testing
5. UI Design -  UI Kit, Iterate on Wireframes


Conduct 1-to-1 Interviews to gain a more in-depth understanding of the needs and pain points of medical spa users and how we can improve their overall experience.

See what competitors do and what services they offer. Try to understand their target audience. Check their websites to discover what features they use on their websites.

Research Goal

Better understand customer perception and expectations of aesthetic centers. This will allow us to understand what changes and improvements that need to made to the current Quintessa website.

One on One Interviews

Key Findings

The interviews helped me discover the need for a new section on the home page centered around meeting the doctors, allowing users to quickly learn more about Quintessa’s doctors.

Competitive Analysis

Through competitive analysis I realized how truly unique Quintessa is compared to its competition. Quintessa competes with other medical spas that offer similar non-surgical treatments like botox and fillers. What sets them apart form their competition is that they also provide surgical treatments such as face lifts and breast augmentations.


I created two separate personas during the research phase. I created the first one before any research was conducted. The second persona was created using all of the information I gathered from conducted research.  

The research and personas helped me uncover the different types of user archetypes that Quintessa’s customers fall into. This allowed me to get a better understanding of Quintessa’s users.

Information Architecture

Product Roadmap

Before working on the information architecture of the website, I decided to create a product roadmap that helped me lay out all the features that need to be present on the newly designed website and their importance.

Once I completed the product roadmap, I went on to create a site map for Quintessa showing all the necessary pages and how each one was organized.

Low fidelity Wireframes

With all the information gathered from research and the newly made sitemap I began to sketch out designs for Quintessa. I created multiple wireframes for desktop, tablet, and mobile. Once I finished created the wireframes I put together a prototype to test the design with real users and gather their feedback.

User Interface Design

I created a new color palette consisting of different shades of blue and grey to give a it a stylish and sophisticated look. I added a main call to action at the top of the home page along with several other smaller call to action buttons throughout the page. I Included several large images that help separate the different sections of content on Quintessa.

Full Design Link

When I finalized the designs and the majority of the UI elements I created a UI Kit to ensure that my designs are focused around the project and provide developers with accurate design specifications to help with the development phase.


I was hired to redesign and transform the company website to increase customer engagement and interaction. I worked with another company called Rocket Clicks that specializes in SEO. We worked together creating a story brand for the companies website that made the customer feel like the hero and the company is the guide in the journey of solving their problem.
• Transformed the website from company focused to patient focused using story branding.
• Main call to action submissions increased by 20% within a one month.
• Increase in homepage traffic by 17% month-over-month.